Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stress+sick =?

Sigh I'm feeling stressed up, though I don't suppose I have to be. I'm piling up my homework in one huge pile, and I worry day and night that I won't be able to complete it. I know this is an unnecessary action to raise my stress level, but honestly, I really can't bring myself to do homework. It's time consuming, redundant and well I just don't see a need to even have homework! I think I'm getting rebellious again, but I can't help it. I'm so bored. And I think I fell into that same old trap again. Life is going too slowly.

Even stress relieving activities.. dance.. skate.. watching movies.. they're not working for me. At the momeny I carry out the activity, yes, I do feel that the world belongs to me. But after that, I feel more stressed than ever, because I've used up my time doing those stuff, which leaves me with less time than ever. It's really odd, but I still can't find a point of equilibrium. Anyway, I only have August's monthly test, and it'll be over. September is trial. October is PMR. Gasp. Only like 80 more days to go.

And I am still not getting an A in BM. I'm frustrated. Maybe my teacher is marking too strictly. But if the examiner marks this strictly in PMR too, then I won't get an A. I'm pretty certain I can ace everything, except BM. And my teacher isn't doing anything to help us improve our karangan. Seriously, I'm devastated. I don't want to get a B for BM. Well I have a test tomorrow, I'll see if I can get an A then. I hope I do, it will assure me a little.

The weather is very bad these days. Haze is attacking once again. And once again, I'm being attacked by it. Sore throat, running nose, cough.. everything you can imagine. It's taking the life out of me. That's one of the reason I'm not up to doing homework. My brain is affected by it. It sucks out my mood, and leaves me as grey as the sky outside.

My movie analysis.. I can't do it. Perfectionism bites once more. I wonder why I keep going in and out of the phase.


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