Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bits And Pieces

I'm loaded with work now. There are projects to complete, and I have to study for mid year exam. Yes, I know, it's not till May but there are a lot of chapters to study, so it's better to start earlier than cram everything last minute.

As for projects, I was so used to getting all the information from teacher that now, I'm just lost. Luckily I still have some sources, but yeah, I still need to go fishing for information on my own.

It feels nice to know more than the others. Like during science class, we were learning the activeness of metals. And I was babbling off, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al.. and the person sitting next to me was like staring at me, as though I was mad. xD They didn't even know what I was rattling about, as they haven't learned chemical symbol. How can you say you've learned chemistry without knowing chemical symbols? Except O2, CO2, H2O blah blah everyone knows that >.>


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